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07 5646 9716

Gold Coast Private Investigator David King Making National News


Leading Gold Coast private investigator David King, has again made national news. David has been in the industry for almost thirty years and regularly gets asked to do media spots for news, current affairs, radio, newsprint, magazines and online publications.  David is the Managing Director and lead private investigator at Gold Coast Investigations and Lipstick Investigations, along with a couple of sister investigation agencies, and without doubt the best known Gold Coast private investigator.

Recently David was selected to be the first private investigator to participate in a new News Ltd podcast series about the life of a private investigator. The series was produced by Natalie O’Brien, a crime reporter for the News Ltd group of papers and is made up of interviews of some of Australia’s leading private investigators discussing their niches in the private investigation industry.  So in the course of the release of the podcast available at  veteran Gold Coast private investigator David King has been asked to do a number of interviews discussing his part in the podcast, and other general chit chat about the fascinating and unusual industry that private investigation is.

Gold Coast Private Investigator In The News

So first up was the release of the podcast just described. At the same time News Ltd ran a number of articles in their varying publications including Gold Coast Bulletin, Courier Mail in Brisbane, and the Daily Telegraph in Sydney. All of these articles discussed the specialised part of the private investigation area known as relationship investigations – in particular infidelity and cheating based investigations. People have a real interest in this topic and in the decades David has been a a Gold Coast private investigator, he finds that this topic certainly creates the most interest. He’s always a busy dinner party guest!

Once the news article hit the streets David was then invited on Sunrise with Kochie and Natalie, the Today Show Extra with David Campbell and then finished the week off with Studio 10 on Channel 10 – all national around the country. Then when David was leaving the Gold Coast studio of Channel 9, he got diverted by the Gold Coast Local News team, and did yet another interview on this topic straight after talking to the Today crew.

There were also numerous radio interviews, all live, from various radio stations from around the country including major the nationally broadcast MMM Night Shift with Luke Bona, and Melbourne radio station 3AW and talking to Afternoons with Dee Dee

So Do You Need A Gold Coast Private Investigator?

David has been a licensed private investigator for thirty years. Originally from Sydney, where he still has an office in the city CBD and a number of field staff, he moved to the Gold Coast just over 10 years ago. We all know the Gold Coast is the best place in the world to live so he stayed. If you Google ‘private investigator Gold Coast’ you will find dozens of listings and many look like they are based on the Gold Coast. But there are really only half a dozen local agencies with local management. Most of the other advertisers are based elsewhere and use contractors who may reside on the Gold Coast or Brisbane. There are no management here, and they don’t have any local knowledge. We do!

David is based in Surfers Paradise and is a true Gold Coast private investigator. When you call us on our local number at 07 5646 9716 almost all of the time you will be answered by David directly. You can discuss your case and issues in confidence and he will do his best to advise how Gold Coast Investigations may be able to help.  If you want a face to face appoint with him this can usually be organised fairly quickly although he will want to talk quickly on the phone with you to make sure he can help. Remember, we don’t just do infidelity and cheating types of assignments, we also do family law investigations, find my family investigations, business assignments and of course all types of surveillance and database research.

So call us on 5746 9716, or David King directly on 0411 853 111 or you can fire off an email to  and this will be answered promptly. We are here to help.