Gold Coast Investigations

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We put the missing pieces together

07 5646 9716

Child Activity Surveillance

The welfare of your children is the most important thing in the world. Sometimes though, kids get up to no good.

This can be a huge concern for worried parents. We have specialist, younger private investigators that can monitor your child visually and see what they are getting up to.

Schoolies Investigation

The Gold Coast is the home of Schoolies. Every year thousands of kids come to the Gold Coast to let their hair down and to party after a decade of schooling. With that comes risk to some degree. Alcohol, drugs, sex and violence are all possible at Schoolies and our investigators can keep an eye on your child either discreetly, or as a personal protection scenario. If we see them getting in any danger we can intervene, or just gather evidence for you to deal with at a later date.

After School Video Surveillance

Where is your child going after school? School finishes by 3.00pm and they aren’t getting home until dark? Video surveillance can confirm what you child is getting up to after school. It may turn out to be something dangerous such as drugs or putting themselves in hazardous situations. Maybe mixing with the wrong crowd. Knowledge is power. Armed with the correct information as to your child’s activities you can be in a better position as to learn how to deal with it.

General Video Surveillance

Video surveillance will always give you an understanding of what you child (or anyone) is doing when you are not around. Contact Us to discuss your individual situation and our lead investigator will advise on what we can do to help.