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Found Your Partner Cheated?

So You’ve Found Out Your Partner Cheated – What Next?
(By Mel Chilton)

Your Partner Cheated

Private investigation firms are often hired to check up on suspicions of infidelity and to see if your partner cheated. Gold Coast Investigations sister firm Lipstick Investigations, can certainly clear up any doubt on this matter – but what happens next is up to you. You are likely to go through three consecutive phases after discovering that your partner cheated. The way in which you handle these will determine the future (or lack thereof) of your relationship.

The Crisis Phase involves a lot of anger and hurt. You will find yourself obsessed with precise details of the affair, and want to know everything. You will be angry that your partner cheated, and angry with yourself. The blow to your trust may well result in plummeting libido, resulting in the withholding of sex. Conversely, you may find yourself having lots of ‘angry sex’. This may be due partly due to something referred to in the natural world as ‘mate guarding’ – an attempt to protect your pair bond.

The Crisis Phase often cools to a more reflective, contemplative phase. During the Insight Phase, you may begin to concentrate on untangling the fraying knot of emotions which wrapped itself around you during the Crisis Phase. Communication, therapy, and empathy can really help a couple to move forward during this phase.

It is during the Vision Phase that the fate of the relationship will become clear after your partner cheated. It may well be that you have fallen out of love, and wish to part. This can be achieved amicably if enough empathy has been generated during the Insight Phase. If you have managed to rekindle and erotic connection, and are prepared to continue with your relationship, the Vision Phase is when you must sit down and – with complete openness and honesty – set out a new vision for your future relationship.

If you have any questions relating to this topic and would like to talk to the infidelity experts, Lipstick Investigations, just contact them through our website at  or email